What to Do When the Power Goes Out

What To Do When Power Goes Out

Electrical energy, that invisible, reliable source of comfort we commonly take for granted until we suddenly find ourselves without it.  Recent windstorms left many throughout the Northeast alone and in the dark to contemplate this paradox.

Circumstances beg the question, what should you do when the power goes out?  If it is evening, you simply look out the window down the street and if everything is pitch black, you have your answer but what if it is daylight, then what?  Call your neighbor, an electrician, the Utility?

Okay, stay calm, your family needs you to be cool as a cucumber.  First things first. Locate that emergency preparedness kit we discussed in a previous article-in there you’ll find everything you need to move about the house.

Some have the wherewithal to go to their electric panel to check if any of the circuit breakers are in the mid or off position.  If everything appears as it should be (breakers are in the ‘on’ position) then the issue is probably outside of your house meaning it is a matter for the local utility.

Who To Call When The Power Goes Out

It is strongly recommended, in order to get quick action, to call or log onto your local utility’s webpage and report the outage.  For Westchester residence, go to coned.com or their emergency number 800 752-6633. All others supplied by a different utility (NYSEG and/or Eversource) check the first page of your utility bill for step-by-step guidance.  They will need your name, street address and possibly your account number also found on the first page of your utility bill. If someone else has already reported the outage, you may receive an automated response from your utility stating they are aware of the outage and are working on it.  Great, you got that done, now for temporary power.

Automatic Stand-By Generator

If your house is already equipped with an automatic stand by generator, your lights and some limited power throughout the house is already on-problem solved.  Nothing provides more reassurance to you and your family during a mini crisis than the knowledge the backup power supply is up and running.  

But what if you always meant to have a stand-by generator installed but never quite got around to it?  A call to Lippolis Electric (914 738-3550) will get an expert estimator out and a quote into your hands once the emergency passes.  Our estimator will help you assess your emergency power needs and suggest the appropriately sized generator (sized in kW-kilowatts).  Smaller generators will cover the essentials-heat, refrigeration, light and power is specifically designated areas like kitchens and bathrooms where a larger, whole house generator will provide you with all the power you need throughout the four seasons.

Portable Back-Up Generator

An alternative to a stand-by generator is a portable generator.  There are many options available to you and our estimator can explain these choices and assist you in making an informed decision.  There are pieces of equipment required to be installed making the transfer from utility to manual power and back again simple and easy.  Portable generators will provide just enough energy to power the essentials and get you and your loved ones through the emergency.

Just so it is understood, someone must be home to manually set up and start a portable generator.  Not the case with a stand-by generator, you can be anywhere in the world and be notified through an app on your phone all is well on the home front.

These are a few suggestions to help you not be left in the dark.  Make informed and wise decisions before Mother Nature’s occasional wrath makes them for you.

If you’re in an electrical emergency or just need support for your home/business, Lippolis Electric can help! Contact us today.

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